Oil Painting Reproductions
your best alternative to a real Van Gogh

· Delivery
Paintings in stock can be shipped directly after payment. Otherwise delivery takes two months.

· Frames
Picking the right frame is a personal choice and hard to judge over the internet. We recommend that you visit a professional framer.

. Copyright
In the USA a painting can be copied 50 years after the artist died. In Europe this increases to 70 years.

· Ordering another artist
Although we specialize in Van Gogh, if you can send us a high quality picture (a poster is ideal, printed internet pictures don’t do the job) we are happy to take most commissions. The better the picture, the better the reproduction.

· Shipping
Paintings are shipped securely, rolled in a solid tube that offers more than sufficient protection.

· Gallery
Please let us know when you are in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. We’d love to show you our reproductions as well as taking you around the originals in the Van Gogh Museum.

· A fair deal for our artists
We pay our artists very well in their local currency which reflects the fact that only a few people possess the skills you are looking for.